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Did you send your CV everywhere but haven’t got any interviews yet? Or, you want to send your CV but you’re not confident if your CV is good enough? What tips in building the best CV that you need?

When you send your CV, you need to be confident of what you send. Your confidence will show in the way you write your CV.

This will be the company impression of you, and you don’t want to make a bad impression.

Therefore, in order to be confident of your first impression you need to make a good CV.

With a good CV, you’ll have an interview in no time.

CV is an abbreviation for ‘Curriculum Vitae’ which means ‘course of life’. A document which contains detailed information of your experience and achievement throughout your life.

Generally, people will use CV to apply for a job or position. In some countries, CV is also used to apply for an academic opportunity, such as scholarships, fellowships and grants.

Apart from paying attention to what format you use, you need to pay attention to several important details that’ll make your CV more attractive.

These tips in building the best CV will guide you to make the best CV ever!

Tips for Building a Good CV

In building your CV, you need to understand several important key points to make the best CV.

This document will help you to get your dream job. Therefore, you need to pay attention to every detail on your CV.

These are several tips you can apply in building the best CV for you:

          Know what’s important and what’s redundant information

Yes, you need to mention every information you have in your CV. But remember, a CV is a summary of your life.

Generally, CV can range from 1 to 8 pages, so you have all the space you need to put all the information you have.

But, overwriting isn’t a good idea. Putting too much information will overwhelm the hiring manager.

In the end, with too much information the hiring manager will not be interested in reading all of it, especially if the information given is not relevant to the job offered.  

Therefore, you need to know what information that’ll draw the hiring manager’s attention.

          Write in detail

After you know what’s important and what’s not, write them in detail. Make sure you’re not leaving any important information out.

 Writing in detail will make the hiring manager understand your ability and quality better.

–          Write your detail contact information

Your contact information is a really important part. If the company is interested in hiring you, they will need this piece of information to contact you.

You may want to add your relevant social media, like LinkedIn. Including this information can give the hiring manager more information about yourself.

–          Writing format (font, white space, etc.)

Your CV needs to look professional, so it needs to be presentable.

Font and white space may sound like it’s not a really important aspect in your CV. But you can’t underestimate these details.

You can use fonts that are not too much or too little. People usually will use Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.

For the font size, consider how much information you’ll write. Adjust it so every information you have can be put into the amount of pages you have. Generally, people will use the size 10 to 12.

Your font choice has to be adjusted so the hiring manager have no difficulty in reading your CV

That’s also the purpose of creating a white space in your CV.

The people who read your CV need to breathe. Stacking up every corner of the CV page will make your CV not look appealing and it’d be hard to read.

Create some space between every point, paragraph, and page margin to make your CV don’t look too crowded with information.

          Use powerful and relevant words

Choose your words very carefully.

Try to use words that are relevant to the position and job you’re applying for.

For example, when you want to apply for a job as a writer, try to mention something about your ability in writing or your skills in operating Microsoft Word.

You can also mention every certificate you got from writing training and other things that are related to writing.

Using these keywords will help you to be easily found by the hiring manager and get the job you wanted.

–          Be honest

Well, everyone lies on their CV, right? Because it’s necessary to make yourself look good.

No! Never lie on your CV. 

Write your truth. Be confident of yourself and what you’ve achieved.

Don’t try to oversell yourself. Companies will like your original self.

–          In Building the Best CV Use Short, Concise and Clear Words

Although CV usually can range from 1 to 8 pages long, you still have to write your information in short and concise.

Remember that it’s not an essay. If you want to write some paragraphs to convince the hiring manager, you can write it on your cover letter.

Cover Letter is a separate document from your CV, but still relates to one another.

The best CV is a short, concise and clear CV that still contain all of the needed information.

–          Insert your contact reference

Reference contact is very useful to convince the hiring manager that you’re more capable to be hired.

Reference contact is the person the hiring manager can ask about their opinion about your competency and quality.

But you need to remember, before you write any contact reference you need to ask for a consent from the third party. That way, they can give you a boost of help in getting your dream job.

–          Attach Cover Letter

Cover letter will be very good to complement your CV.

Cover letter is an essay to introduce yourself by summarizing your professional background. Generally cover letter consist of 1 page with 250 to 400 words long.

What you need to understand is that a cover letter is an addition to your CV, not a replacement.

Some companies will not ask for a cover letter but it’d be good for you to prepare one just in case you need it.

          Target CV (different CV for different job opportunity)

Making one CV may not be enough, especially if you want to apply for several different positions of jobs.

Different positions or jobs may need different qualifications.

Jobs in the academic field may need more information regarding your educational backgrounds, such as your publications, teaching experience, etc.

Jobs in the industrial field may need more information about your experience in the same field, certificate, etc.

Find out what your job applications are interested in and provide them the information that will give you the most benefit.

–          Proofread After Building Your CV

After you finish writing your CV, don’t forget to do a once over of your writing. Make sure every information you want to present is well-written.

It’s really important that you don’t have any writing errors in your CV. If you’re using English for your CV, make sure you’re using the right spelling and grammar.

There are several things that many people ignore in your CV that you should avoid:

  • Typo; sometimes, people will understand when you made some typo. But, mistakenly written words may confuse the hiring manager.
  • Complicated and long phrase; again, CV is not an essay. You need to make sure what you’re writing is easy to understand. There’s no point in writing something complicated. The only thing that will impress the hiring manager is your qualification, experience and skills.

To make sure that your CV is already perfectly written, you can ask for a friend or family member to re-check it for you. There’s nothing wrong with being careful.

On the contrary, letting other people check your CV will benefit you. They even have more suggestions you can apply to your CV to make it better.

Conclusion on Tips in Building the Best CV

In conclusion, in building your CV you need to remember that this piece of document is the first thing that the hiring manager will see. They’ll judge you solely based on this document before going further with the interview.

Making a good impression on the company you applied for is really important to get the job you dream of.

Therefore, you need to make a good impression by creating your CV as attractive as possible.

We hope that these tips in building your CV will help you to make the best CV for your job application.

To help you build the best CV, UrbanCV is dedicated to provide hundreds of CV templates. Therefore, you don’t need to worry to organized and write your CV. With these templates, your CV will looks professional in the hiring managers’ eyes.


[1] Febrianti Diah Kusumaningrum and Tantri Setyorini, “Contoh-contoh CV Formal, Modern, & Kreatif dalam Bahasa Indonesia serta Inggris,”, May 14, 2017, accessed on August 5, 2021,

[2] Alison Doyle, The Difference between a Resume and a Curriculum Vitae (CV),” Edinboro University, December 08, 2018, accessed on August 10, 2021,

[3] Qin En, “7 Cara Ampuh Membuat CV yang Menarik agar Dilirik oleh Rekruter,” Glints, March 02, 2021, accessed on August 13, 2021,

[4] Ibid.

[5] “10 Steps to a Successful CV,” Totaljobs, accessed on August 13, 2021,

[6] Ibid.

[7] Qin En, “7 Cara Ampuh Membuat CV yang Menarik agar Dilirik oleh Rekruter,” Op Cit.

[8] Ega Almira Shae, “7 Tips Membuat CV yang Menarik di Mata HRD,” KoinWorks, accessed on August 13, 2021,

[9] Shely Napitupulu, “10 Kesalahan Membuat CV yang Sering Ditemukan Perekrut,” Glints, February 02, 2021, accessed on August 13, 2021,

[10] Andrei Kurtuy, “How to Write a Cover Letter in 2021| Beginner’s Guide,” Nova Career Blog, August 5, 2021, accessed on August 13, 2021,

[11] “Top Tips to Structure Your CV,” Robert Walters, accessed on August 13, 2021,

[12] Shely Napitupulu, “10 Kesalahan Membuat CV yang Sering Ditemukan Perekrut,” Op Cit.