ATS-Friendly CV: What is it? Is it important?

ATS-Friendly CV: What is it? Is it important?

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Did you know that most of the companies around the world use a system to help with their recruitment process? Did you also know what an ATS-friendly CV is? 

It’s reported by CNBC that more than 95% Fortune 500 companies are likely to use a system to sort their recruitment.

Another survey also shows that 75% or the resume and CV are read by the hiring manager.

The fact that many companies are using this system encourages many job seekers to find a way to delight the system.

With this system development of the recruitment process, we as a job seeker have to evolve too.

We have to ask, what will help our CV to face this system? Is there anything that will make the system read our CV any easier?

But first, we need to know what ATS is? Why do companies use it and why do we need to know about it?

By knowing all about ATS, it’d help you to decide what kind of CV that will give you the most advantage. 

What is an ATS-Friendly CV?

ATS is short for an Applicant Tracking System. This is a system that is widely used by companies to help them with the recruitment process.

The hiring manager will rely on this system to help them sort all of the applicants’ documents.

This system helps companies to collect and sort every information of the applicants. It allows the company to organize this information based on experience and skill set. 

The system will use automated intelligence to seek for the best and most qualified applicants. So, you need to pass this system first before the hiring manager can sort it by themselves.

Why do companies use the ATS system?

The ATS is highly beneficial for companies who seek new employees.

Firstly, the company will be easier to screen all the applicants. The system will sort and compare the documents based on their experience and skill set. The hiring manager won’t have to go through all the documents one by one.

This led to the second benefit for the company. Secondly, companies will need less time to check the worthy applicants.

As a result, the vacant position would be filled in no time and the company will be able to progress further.

Consequently, many companies use this system. With all the benefits it brings, companies are leaning into ATS.

Using this system also gets more candidates to apply. The ATS allows applicants to apply for a job from anywhere.

The applicants don’t have to log in, you can apply from any devices that you have.

How to make an ATS-Friendly CV?

Looking at this development, we as a job seeker must develop as well.

Because of the probability the companies we applied for are using this system, we too have to follow this trend.

How to make a CV that is friendly to the ATS? Let’s break down all this!

1. Avoid using too much design for your CV

It may looks like your CV is boring without colourful and interesting design. But, you need to remember that the system doesn’t really care about your CV design.

In fact, the system might confuse your CV with an excessive design.

An ATS-friendly CV is the one that focuses on the context of the CV rather than the design.

It’d be best if you use a black and white base colour. Again, this is done to make it easy for the system to examine your CV.

Other than that, you can use a font that is commonly used. A Times New Roman or Arial would be best. These are simple and common fonts that will be easily read by the system.

Since the system will only examine the content of your CV, make sure what you write is clear and concise.

You can use bullet points or numbering to make your information clear. Using bullet points and numbering will make your CV look orderly.

Because it’s all about the content of the information, you don’t need to overthink about any visuals. Therefore, it’s not necessary to put your profile photo.

The system will not judge you based on your look. 

2. Use the chronological format 

In using your CV, there are several formats you can use.

But in this case, in order to make your CV ATS-friendly, it’d be best to use the chronological format. 

The chronological format allows you to emphasize your working and educational experience.

Your skill will also be important on this CV. As mentioned before, the ATS focuses on all of this information. Therefore, using this format would be best.

Chronological format is the best CV format for those who have rich and consistent professional experience.

That is why the system will easily approve applicants who use this format. Companies must prefer people with more experience to be trusted with their companies’ affairs. 

The things to write CV with chronological format can be seen in the following:

  • Name and Contact Information
  • Objectives
  • Professional Experience
  • Educational History
  • Skill set and Abilities

If necessary, you can also include your achievement in the related field. Again, you must take the amount of pages into consideration. 

But bear in mind, the listed things above don’t have to be written in order. At least for the professional experience and educational history.

You can switch the placement of these two points depending on what you want to emphasize. 

For example, if you’re a student with less professional experience, you may want to emphasize your educational history.

But if you have more experience, you may want to put your professional experience before your educational history. This could be more helpful to show your ability to potential employers.

3. Strong, Job-Related Keywords

The purpose of your CV ATS-friendly is to attract the system. So, make sure you’re using strong keywords that will catch the system’s attention.

It’d also be good if you use words that are related to the job you apply for.

For example, when you want to apply for an administration job. You can mention your skill in operating Microsoft and any experience in administering.

On the other hand, you don’t need to mention your experience when you work as a graphic designer. This piece of information, though incredible, is not necessary for your application to become an administrator. 

4. Send it in the form of PDF or .docx

Send your CV in a PDF or Docx format. By doing so, you’ll help the system to read the necessary information. 

Avoid sending your CV in a picture format. Otherwise, the system will not be able to examine it correctly. 

Besides, by formatting your document in PDF or Docx can make it easier for you to update your CV.

Throughout the year your experience and achievement must definitely grow. You need to constantly update your CV.

Hence, if you want to apply for another job you can send the hiring manager your newest CV.

5. No More than 2 Pages CV

An ATS-friendly CV is focused solely on your ability to fill the vacant job.

Generally, a CV can range from one to eight pages depending on your experience and achievement. 

But in this case, write your CV on no more than two pages. By doing this, you’ll not confuse the system with too much information. 

You can sort all the information you have and decide first what’s important and what’s not.

You don’t need to include every experience and achievement you have. Think about what kind of position you apply for.

Then, imagine being the hiring manager and ask this question: “what kind of person will be perfect for this position?”

In the end, the hiring manager will choose applicants who have the best qualification related to the position offered.

So, make sure you include any experience, skill set and achievement related to the position you applied for.


To sum it up, the ATS is a system that companies used to help them with the recruitment process. This system judges your application based on your experience and skill set. 

With the development of this system, many companies have shifted in favour of using the system to help them.

The system gives many benefits to these companies. From cutting the time to examine the application documents to bringing more applicants to the table.

Because of the many companies that use this system, the job seeker needs to know how to attract the system towards their CV.

That is why you need to know how to improve your CV by building an ATS-friendly CV.

Mastering all of the tips above will give you a higher chance of passing the system sorting. After that, you can go further in the recruitment process.

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