Cover Letter: What a Cover Letter is and Tips on Creating One

Cover Letter: What a Cover Letter is and Tips on Creating One

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Have you finished writing your CV?

Do you feel something is missing from your job application documents?

What else can you do to improve your chances of getting your dream job?

Well, one thing that you can do is to add a cover letter.

For some hiring managers, a cover letter is very important in determining people’s application.

The chance of the hiring manager to read your cover letters is 1 out of 2. However, that is still 50% of them. A 50% chance of your cover letters to be read by the hiring manager.

That’s the chance you want to take.

So, that’ll be your next step in preparing your job application. Write your this document to compliment your CV.

But, a lot of times, making one can be a frustrating thing to do. Just like creating your CV, you need to be careful in writing your cover letters.

If you write a cover letter as good as your CV, your job application process should be smooth as silk!

Before you write, you should understand what it means first. Knowing what you’ll write, what it’s worth and how important it is will make you take this seriously.

So the questions are, ‘what is a cover letter?’, ‘Is it mandatory?’, ‘How to make one?’

What is a Cover Letter?

cover letter

A cover letter is a one page document that contains an overview of your skills and experience. Different from a CV, a cover letter is written specifically for the job you’re applying for.

Hence, it will allow you to emphasize every important aspect that would make you fit for the position offered.

You can also provide some additional information that you hadn’t mentioned on your CV or Resume.

A cover letter is a really underrated element in a job application, but if you write it well, it’d set you apart from other applicants.

You can use a cover letter to help you sell your application and convince the hiring manager to hire you in the end.

Although it’s an important element in job hunting, it’s not mandatory.

Often people don’t send this document because they aren’t really sure what the cover letter is and if it’s really that important.

If you’re still wondering whether or not you should send a cover letter, you can stop now.

Let’s start writing your cover letters and then you can attach this with your CV or Resume.

If you think it’s not important, you’re wrong.

It may be a compliment to your CV. But the hiring manager has a high chance of reading it.

As a matter of fact, to some hiring manager, a cover letter is the most important thing of your job application.

So, let’s start writing!

Learn more: Curriculum Vitae (CV): Everything You Need to Know

How to Make a Cover Letter?

Now, you know what a cover letter is and how important it is for your job application. The next step is to write one.

But, how to make cover letters that’ll intrigue the hiring manager’s attention?

1.   Choose what cover letters you’ll need

There are several types of cover letters you can choose to make.Often time, you need to decide what the best cover letters for your application is.

These are several types of cover letters:

–          Job Application Letter

Job application letter is the same as a traditional cover letters. You write this cover letters to apply for a specific job opening and send it with your resume or CV.

–          Referral Cover Letter

A little different from traditional cover letters, a referral cover letter will mention a person name you know that referred you to a job.

Referring a name on your cover letters, especially someone at that company or someone who has a strong connection to the company may increase the hiring manager’s interest.

–          Cold Contact Cover Letter

If you want to apply to a certain company but they don’t have any openings yet, you can use this kind of cover letter.

When you send this type of cover letters, you’re basically giving a pitch for what you have to over to the company.

–          Email Cover Letter

An email cover letter is the same as traditional covers, it has the same structure and content, but you send it through email to the company.

–          Letter of Interest

Also known as a prospecting letter, a letter of interest is a letter sent to a certain company asking if there’s any possible job opening.

–          Network Letter

Network letter is a cover letter that you write in order to send it to your colleague or individuals that you met at a professional event. The purpose of this letter is to ask for job search advice and assistance for you.

–          Value Proposition Letter

You make this kind of cover letters in order to point out your value as a person and a future employee.

Tell the company what makes you unique to be considered as someone who’s worthy to fill in the position.

Before you choose what kind of letters you’ll need, you have to identify what your cover letter purpose is.

Read the job description provided and try to find out what would be the best kind of cover letters that’ll capture the hiring manager’s attention.

2.   Describe your way to solve the company problem

The reason why a company has a job opening is because they need to fill in a position to help them. Your job in sending an application is to help them solve the problem.

Tell them in what way you can help the company, what you can offer to improve the company’s performance.

3.   Use a Template

There’s nothing wrong with getting help. Using a template may help you to make your cover letters look more appealing

4.   Write a good opening line

Your first sentence is very important. Start with a strong sentence that will make you determined in getting the job.

Don’t hesitate to start with what you can do and write it with confidence.

5.   Highlight relevant experiences and skills

Remember, your cover letters are different from your CV or Resume. You don’t need to recite every information on your CV or Resume.

Choose some experiences and skills that’ll be the most relevant to the job description. Elaborate these facts to make it clear about what you can do.

6.   Finish with a strong final words

You need to be committed to everything you write, even until the last word.

Your closing paragraph will be your last chance to say your passion in getting the job.

So make sure that you write something that’ll make the hiring manager more interested in you.

Tips and Tricks

Just like writing a cover letter is a small step to make a big difference in your job application, these tips and tricks are also small steps to make your application document even better.

–          Write beyond your CV or Resume

Yes, the content of cover letters is mostly the same as your CV and Resume. But you need to remember that those aren’t the same thing.

Don’t write the same thing as what you’ve written in your CV or Resume.

Write details that you couldn’t fit in your CV or Resume. Explore and elaborate on those information and make them more interesting.

–          One cover letter for one job application

It might be easier to use one letter for every job opportunity that lay ahead of you. But it’s not the best thing you should do.

Usually, each company will ask different things. The position they offered might be similar, but what the company wants is often different and unique.

–          Focus on your advantages

Don’t apologize for something that you lack or the experiences you haven’t got.

Let’s just focus on your skills and your achievement. Point out what you can do and what you’ll do for the company.

–          Proofread and edit

After you finish writing your cover letters, do a proofread! This is really important to make sure what you write is ready to be sent.

Check if there’s any writing error and all of the information you want to tell is well-written.

–          Follow the company direction

The company you’re applying for may give you to do a specific thing. For example, a company may ask you to send the job application through email or even in person.

Pay attention to what the company wants and follow it. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.


To sum up, a cover letter is an important addition to your CV or Resume. It is a really crucial thing for you to create the perfect cover letters.

Most of the time, this letter will be a big difference in your journey in job hunting. You can insert some additional information about your skill and experience, along with your interest, in here.

Especially when you couldn’t mention it on your CV or Resume due to page limitations.

Writing cover letters is as important as writing your CV or Resume. Consequently, understanding how to make it perfect will give you the advantage in the future.

When you already have a CV or Resume and Cover Letters, be confident and send it to your desired company and hopefully you’ll get an interview in no time.

Learn more : What Makes Your CV Interesting? Insight into Making a Well-Written CV

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